Recently, traders, traders and financial experts have a large number of assets at their disposal. You have continuous information sources. At their fingertips, any transaction can be forced to reach the current future agreement. You can decide the initial quotation, require the open market to organize any transaction cost of the transaction, and you can quickly find any option increment of the current transaction. However, although you live in this “world”; “Brilliant era of trading”; you may find that today’s Trader is difficult to become a predictable champion like the promising Trader a century ago. Innovation is a magical resource. But as a trader, your best advantage lies in your own psychological and passionate assets, as well as direct tools to help you achieve the results you need.

The main thing for each trader is to buy two basic manuals, with specific pages to be filled in as transaction logs. The default log is to record all transactions in the log, and conduct continuous, monthly and annual surveys to find all examples of transactions. On one occasion, I conducted a quarterly survey of my trading log, and found that my greatest misfortune occurred when I traded the former’s small-scale fate on another expiration date. After seeing that I gave up the transaction of the day and chose to observe my results in the audit of the next quarter, I saw that the low price activities occurred in the past few days had not been hit. My main concern has increased by 12% every month.

The next diary should record all your thoughts and emotions, paving the way for all transactions. When I started doing this, I was in the transition stage to the long-term stock system. I found that before I encountered a series of misfortunes, I recently completed a major successful transaction, so I could meet happiness. After being excited about this huge growth, I must immediately look for other stocks and invest resources to support this positive sentiment. My decision procedure will not be so strict. My main concerns will continue. Fortunately, I am monitoring my psychological and enthusiastic state/tendency to pave the way for these transactions, with the goal of being able to investigate and make fundamental modifications accordingly to find examples that can be improved.

The third way I open for you is to find a blog about trading. Most trading bloggers know their own fields well and find that being organized can encourage them to learn more perfect trading, just like communicating with traders at different levels. Make sure you find an organization that covers the topics you are passionate about, including trading prospects, shared assets, land risks, stock trading, alternative trading, etc. Also, make sure the creator trades during your crazy time. Whether it’s long swing trading or daily trading. The fourth way is to be interested in the discussion. During the discussion, you can contact other similar investors who are interested in this matter. For traders at all levels, aggregation is an unreliable route, and they can gather together to build a “transaction”. Driving force: Moda Driving Liang was originally written in the best book in history in the Guide to Self Improvement. He became rich after thinking. Napoleon Mountain. Slope believes that it is beneficial to form a group of people who will be persuaded to conceive new ideas and support each other’s progress. It may be confusing to take actions similar to transactions, such as what initial stage should be taken, and how to develop a predictive and reliable transaction plan. For novices or professionals, you can encounter different levels of pallets. This helps forge experience and authenticity, and maintain excessive confusion and strategic distance.

The fifth tool, which I think is the most important tool, is to find a guide/mentor to help the transaction. I talked to a story trader in CBOE. He was trained in middle school. At that time, everyone had an Ivy League business degree foundation. It showed me that he was so good on the court because he had an experienced trader to guide him. Different floor traders need to have a positive business degree to meet with a company. They may be able to conduct floor trading for them, but they have a guide to really encourage them and show them how to conduct trading. As a result, he became a very effective floor trader in selecting meaningful companies.

Dealers often try to sell various new labels, trading frameworks or expensive seminars to learners, but virtually anyone can use these basic tools to improve their trading ability. Considering the use of these five simple devices to help further improve trading training and ability, you will soon find that if trading is worse than buying all new toys, trading will also improve.