My Discovery Of Foreign Exchange Transactions

More and more people find and try foreign exchange

Foreign exchange, foreign exchange, foreign exchange… everything is related to foreign exchange. In my opinion, more and more people are eager to discover, try and explore foreign exchange recently. First of all, let’s review the first account opened in August 2017 at the foreign exchange education provider, and provided funds for the first intermediary account. When I work hard, I am very excited. I am eager to accumulate millions of dollars according to my skills and talents.

You can travel and trade anywhere! I recently retired from the navy. I have enough savings because my life has changed several times. I want to use some of my savings to help me take foreign exchange risks. At that time, I often traveled internationally. Uncle Sam began to buy investment from other countries under his protection. I became a big shot.

Why do people enter the foreign exchange market?

Some people I saw today found that foreign exchange is sometimes the same. People have some “extra” cash. Because they have a reasonably high paying job. But they want to get rid of the fierce competition and realize their dreams and aspirations. They profit from the transaction. They are eager to find wealth, charge foreign exchange, and accumulate future wealth with their skills and wisdom.

We all do this; when many of us enter the foreign exchange market, it seems that the scene of plum dancing really comes to mind.

I can feel the busyness of others I see.

My experience

When I first started trading, I didn’t have any friends or colleagues to discuss my experience with me except for introducing my colleagues and several brokers recommended by them to the foreign exchange training provider.

When my trip started, I only knew that I was not the smartest person in the transaction now. If not, I will become one of the smartest people!!, laugh.

What I don’t care about is the advice about all the factors of successful trading, many of which have nothing to do with being the smartest person.

I came to the conclusion that after my first foreign exchange transaction, I gained huge profits, but suffered higher losses.

Because experienced traders ignored the key factors to share with all novices, I almost or eventually made the mistakes that all novices might make: 1. So I suffered economic losses and insulted the novices who made mistakes.

Key factors for successful foreign exchange trading

I decided to become the core element of a successful trader, and I quickly observed others; these people have extreme discipline, ability to pay attention to details, discipline, ability to calculate risks, discipline, ability to identify patterns and discipline. The most important is discipline.

I can’t say too much. Regular thinking and habits should be the basis for all your decisions and actions. These factors are very important for realizing profitable transactions or obtaining results to avoid losses. I will further discuss the issue of discipline in the next article, and let me share the exact amount of losses with Li De.