Artificial Intelligence: A Turning Point For Mankind. A Sectoral Approach To Strategic Investment.

Published by EUCC-RIID on February 21, 2002.

Dr. Christophe UBIN-NURY de Malicone

As a senior manager of international banking and financial services, he specializes in investment, private equity and economic development consulting. Financial consultant experts; aRS is a U.S. government agency and a member of the Center for International Law Studies, CEDIN.

Artificial intelligence: the turning point of mankind. Sectoral approach to strategic investment.

According to McKinsey’s prediction of artificial intelligence at the end of 2018, this technology will bring more than 13 trillion dollars of GDP to the world economy in the next 10 years. First of all, it is to simplify the operation process, so that employees can get rid of repetitive work and create value-added. Moreover, the challenge facing the digital and artificial intelligence revolution is to promote consumption more in line with consumer requirements and optimize its potential.

Human history has followed the trend of innovation starting from the discovery of fire, the invention of wheels around 3500 BC, printing, automobiles, trains, electrical engineering and other important innovations, which are leading our current level of prosperity. This curve began to rise sharply in the 20th century. The exponential growth rate is due to the rapid development of computer technology and the emergence of artificial intelligence at the end of this century. But in the 21st century, the trend of human innovation should reach an unprecedented level. Although there may be drift, the impact of AI on the innovation curve is not only beneficial to society, but also extremely important to its development. We clearly know that the future is unpredictable, but at this stage, our society seems unable to avoid drastic changes in lifestyle and economic activities through artificial intelligence. Because today’s artificial intelligence and deep learning have significantly enhanced social growth. In fact, in various fields of economic activities, the use of AI not only saves consumers valuable time, but also provides more and more personalized products and services, which are more attractive both at home and around the world. Thereafter, it will become an important growth carrier to accelerate the economic development of developing countries. This new mode of production and consumption means new prospects for economic growth and sustainable development.

At the beginning of 2020, the financial market reached a record level. But as the world enters a new era of growth, the current economic and political environment forces us to rethink our investment strategy. It is at an important turning point. Especially in the future exponential economic development, this is mostly due to new technologies, especially the recent emergence of artificial intelligence and its direct or indirect global results. These latest developments enable us to predict that a series of industries with high medium and long-term growth potential will be more efficient, cheaper and faster than ever thanks to new advanced technology and the progress of mechanical printing. This is the most beneficial sector, especially:

-Digital conversion: deep learning, Internet of Things, data intelligence, cloud

-Security: data, goods, infrastructure, personnel

-Health and Life Engineering



-Uberization of service



With the development of artificial intelligence technology, our civilization has indeed reached an important turning point. Because it caused an impressive acceleration of innovation. In fact, the challenge of innovation no longer only depends on the ability of the human brain, so fundamental changes are taking place. In addition to the inherent possibility, artificial brain makes machines more and more intelligent, which benefits from their autonomous learning and action ability. In addition, when the population of developed countries accounts for only about 20% of the world’s population, AI will greatly improve the speed of innovation, promote human beings to enter a new level of global development and growth, and create multiple investment opportunities.


Accenture, 2019. « Accenture Technology Vision 2019: The post digital era is coming. Are you ready for the next step? »

Alianz Global Investors, 2018. « Alianz Global AI – Outlook. »

McKinsey, 2018. « Commitment and challenge in the era of artificial intelligence.