Is CFD A Perfect Substitute For Stocks And Cryptocurrencies?

The art of trading is different from its shape and size. Due to the diversity of various financial markets, anyone in the world can find the assets they want and trade them relatively successfully. At present, each asset has no summary function as the best trading partner. All these have advantages and disadvantages.

In most cases, we recommend that you have a very rich product portfolio. However, this usually consists of different types of the same assets. For example, different currency pairs, commodities and stocks. But what if all these assets could be combined into a single class and diversified by class? This is where CFD enters the market.

Contracts for differences are abbreviations of contracts for differences. They are used as intermediaries for various assets. For example, a person who wants to trade a contract for differences in Apple stock does not actually own the stock. Contracts for differences provide the ability to speculate on the price at a given time. Therefore, once a contract for differences in a specific asset is purchased, it is not the asset itself. The price point at the time of purchasing ra related assets. It may be a bit confusing for beginners. But simple advantages and disadvantages are enough to make them clear.

Advantages of CFD

Like other asset types, CFD has obvious advantages over other types, which helps to stand out from the turmoil in the financial market. Let’s take a look at the most effective methods.


Leverage not only exists in CFD, but it is indeed considered an advantage over stocks and cryptocurrencies. These two asset types do allow margin trading, but the leverage provided does not exist or is very low. If there is a difference contract, traders can use a number like 1:100 or even 1:400.

According to foreign exchange brokers in South Africa, due to the widespread popularity of digital currency, most customers are interested in crypto differential contracts. Unfortunately, the currency itself is not enough to meet the ambition of conducting a large number of transactions. These foreign exchange brokers win in most regional markets with high leverage. As a decisive action, it began to provide differential contracts to cryptocurrencies.

It can be seen all over the world that Europeans like contracts for differences in stocks, while the Americas focus on commodities, and leverage is generally the determining factor in trading contracts for differences.

Low initial deposit

Thanks to leverage, most traders can earn considerable profits even if they deposit less at the beginning. For example, to start trading on a mature stock broker platform, they must first deposit at least $5000. Now, $5000 is not available to everyone, so stock brokers become exclusive to middle and upper class traders.

But the difference contract does not require such a huge deposit. In most cases, traders can find a company to provide an initial deposit of $250 for most of the world’s population, which is easier to achieve.

Disadvantages of CFD

Unfortunately, the advantage of CFD comes down to a lower initial deposit. Asset types look useful on the file, but the reality is completely different. Now let’s take a look at the characteristics of the contract for difference, which makes most coaches flinch.

Trade restrictions

Each difference contract transaction has a maturity date. In most cases, these dates are 24 or 48 hours and cannot be traded for long periods. It is not technically impossible. The trader can indeed extend the trading period, but this will make him pay a considerable fee.

Because of this characteristic, contract for difference is usually considered as a tool for short-term transactions. They are like diamonds of scalpers and day traders. But for long-term speculators, their value is nothing.

No assets

For some traders, the ownership of specific assets is not important. But for most people involved in trading stocks, cryptocurrencies or commodities, ownership is very important. The reason is simple.

Cryptocurrency is something that can be used outside of financial markets. They can be used as means of payment in the digital field. In some cases, people reject everything except passwords. If this happens, CFD traders will find themselves at a huge disadvantage. In addition, most cryptocurrencies are considered stocks. For example, if a new coin comes on the market, a purchase of 25% will be considered a marketer. The ownership of coins is too large, so we can put forward future business plans for the company on the investment magnet.

The former is also related to stocks. Having an important share of the company will make you an influential person. In most cases, holding this seat is more important than holding a large number of shares through differential contracts.

For commodities, this is slightly different, but ultimately for the same reason. For example, gold traders may decide when to use assets for manufacturing or circulation rather than trading. Gold CFD can prevent this. Because you have no gold.

As you can see, spread agreements provide the ability to trade assets, not anything else.

Lack of diversity

When trading on a platform designed for a specific asset, you can access almost all markets. However, when using CFD for trading, it is difficult to obtain CFD of foreign assets. These may be price difference contracts for new IPO companies, new cryptocurrencies and foreign commodities.

With cryptocurrency, traders can get about 4-5 options. There are BTC, LTC, ETH, XRP and BCH. In terms of stocks, you can find large enterprises such as Apple and Google. Bulk commodities are also limited to gold, silver, oil, etc.

So what’s good?

It is hard to say which option is best for a single trader. As you can see, there are many details to consider before making a choice. But in general, general classification can be carried out.

Contracts for differences are beneficial to day traders and scalpers, but useless to long-term speculators.