How “Fair Debt Collection Practices” Serve You

Did the creditor bother you while eating? Is the old collection not helpful to your credit score?

The Fair Debt Collection Act(FDCPA) protects consumers from abuse of collection policies. According to the Federal Trade Commission(FTC), the most common violations are as follows:

  1. Excessive phone calls or harassment, including calls to work units. Collectors even lied that they were lawyers or government agents. They are not.

  2. Tracing of disputed amount. The original liability needs to be recognized and the amount paid should be based on it. Collectors are notorious for trying to collect multiple times the original debt. Don’t succumb to such despicable tactics.

  3. No notice of debt. Yes, it’s written. In the digital age, this may seem strange, but it needs to be written. This letter must state how much money is owed and who is owed. What should you do if you think the debt is not actually yours.

If any of the above things happen to you in the United States, the collector may violate the rules set by the Federal Trade Commission and be fined for his behavior. It is not a meaningless threat because it occurred in the past.

Please contact us through the Assurance credit service to settle the debt and credit. We can help you get back on track.