When You Move Overseas, You Must Insure Your Goods Against Loss Or Damage.

Emigration is a big event. No matter what your reason is, no matter where you go, you will leave the person you have known all your life. Whether friends or relatives, I will go to new places with different cultures. Sometimes it’s very different. In many cases, English is not the first language, or not at all. In fact, you may need to learn a new language a few weeks before moving.  

Now, when you arrive at a new house, you may plan to buy new furniture, but like most people, you will want something. If you want to take things with you, it is because they are valuable to you. In fact, they are valuable, such as antique furniture, glass or large original paintings. If you value them, you’ll want to make sure you don’t lose. Of course, no one can protect you from all the losses of irreplaceable things. The reason is simple. You cannot replace it. But at least you can get financial compensation. As long as it is covered by insurance.

Fortunately, the goods are unlikely to be lost or damaged in transit. Although this is possible, it may also actually occur. According to the World Shipping Council, which conducted an investigation in 2017, 3.8 containers were lost every day from 2014 to 2016, but this was one of 356000 containers. Ships transport £ 8.5 billion worth of goods every day, 99.99% of which arrive safely.

But there are always risks. Even if you don’t think it will happen to you, the answer is to join overseas transfer insurance. This will reassure you. If the worst happens, you will at least be compensated.

The first thing to do is to consider what you can leave behind. I don’t want to take everything with me, including the kitchen sink. Because the less things you take away, the lower the transportation cost. And the less you buy, the less insurance costs. Therefore, it is time to sit down and think about what you should really take with you, what you can leave behind, or whether you should replace it when you arrive at your destination. If you don’t want to change it, it’s meaningless anyway.

Then the next step is to price and accurately evaluate the things you want to bring. Don’t value them too much just because you love them. You may have your favorite armchair. But you just need to see how much it costs to replace it. Again, you don’t want to undervalue anything. Because if it is a total loss, you can only get its insurance amount. You have to write down a description and take pictures. Among other considerations, if lost, the same replacement can be performed as easily as possible.

When you are ready to leave, you must pack all your things. If you pack your goods and the goods are damaged, some insurance policies will not compensate.

When you are ready to accept the insurance quotation, you must decide what kind of insurance you want. Different types. Perhaps it is better to cover the warehouse. Because it covers you. Just like the note. Although you can get all the insurance for most events, you can’t get insurance like war or asteroid collision. Naming risks only include specific named items, which are cheaper. The cheaper is total loss. Because it just pays for you. You can also obtain some general average insurance included in the policy. This includes the loss or damage of other people’s goods. All such shipments must be jointly paid for all damage to the vessel or its cargo. Therefore, even if your goods arrive safely, you should also pay compensation for others’ losses.